Hey look, it's me!

Shoaib Laghari, UW 2024

Hello! Thanks for taking some time to look at my personal website! I kind of just keep my random projects and writing stuff here. Feel free to show yourself around :)

A little bit about me:

  • I was born in Karachi, Pakistan, raised in Nashville, Tennessee, and am currently studying in Seattle, Washington.
  • I hope to graduate from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Science (Honors) degree in Economics and minor in Data Science.
  • My main academic interests are: development economics, immigration, sustainability, data science, international trade, cities, and more.
  • In my free time, I like to play soccer, watch movies, read, exercise, play video games (on PS4), and hang out with friends.

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Featured News

Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies, "Shoaib Laghari Full Interview (2021-2022 Scholarship Recipient)."

Seattle Times, "Between a pandemic and Black Lives Matter protests, 2020 changed the life trajectories of many college students."

University of Washington, "Fall 2020 Intramurals results."

Seattle Times, "Seattle area young people reflect on what it means to only know a post-9/11 world."

Shoaib Laghari © 2022